The Boy With 2 Grandfathers

Not everyone has two grandfathers quite like Amol’s! From the way they look to the way they speak, the food they eat and the way they think, they couldn’t be more different. But both are “interested in everything, afraid of nothing and capable of anything”. And they dote on Amol. This comes with perks, but it also means that Amol has to indulge them their quirks — whether it’s Appa discussing toilet habits loud and clear, or Ajoba lecturing bratty children in a burger joint on good citizenship! But when the going gets tough, Amol couldn’t ask for a tougher twosome to stand by him.

Shrinivasan’s novel is sure to comfort and illuminate young readers, irrespective of whether they are in a similar predicament or not. It will serve to inspire similar courageous works in children’s fiction. One can ask no more of an author or a story. – From The Hindu Young World-Good Books Award 2018 citation